Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Holli hosted a play group on Saturday. We have pools set up with jell-o, cooked noodles, and water. They kids stripped down and wet to town. We had 4 kids show up this time and hope to have more as we continue to do this. Here Holli and Uriah eat the jello-o rather than play in it. Uriah did find the joy later of lathering it all over his sticky body! Holli ate so much I think she got a belly ache from it.Tub of noodles. THere was a slide that the boys loved to slide down. You can't see it here, but Holli was just about play grouped out by now.Holli and Connor ridding the 'tractor'. The kids followed KJ around everywhere. They must have had too much mommy time and not enough man time. Cassy and her son Connor came up and visited for a weekend. It was so good to see them and for the kids to play together.