Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bedtime story

Once upon a time, there was a chocolate pudding snack pack. He was just sitting in the pantry, minding his own business when, RIP. his top was pulled opened. He started to panic as he was carried away from his warm and dark home. His fears were calmed when he saw that there was a responsible adult feeding a one year old. He sat back to enjoy the ride. BUT something happened that he never thought he would see...The responsible mother turned her back!!!The HUNGRY one-year was determined to finish her snack and took control over the feeding. The Snack Pack once again relaxed seeing that the child was going to be nice and easy on him. Then the responsible mother turned back around to see the mess that her daughter had started. She said, "Ah, what the heck" and put the child into a booster seat. The child ate, and ate, and ate. THEN SHE...
Played, and played and played...
Smeared, and smeared, and smeared...
resulting in one of the biggest messes seen by the Snack Pack EVER!
The moral of the story is that the messier the child is, the happier she is, and that just makes life fun!

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